mercredi 16 octobre 2013

Good Evening gov'nor

On august 25 1568 was appointed as governor Berwick a post he would reside for almost 20 years (source, though he planned for the job about a month earlier for entry 2335). It wasn't exactly a prestigious assignment, the border between the Scotland and England was lawless, suffering from economic problem, disease and essentially it was in the interest of both the England and Scotland to keep it that way as they could have people (source. Chapter 1, which tell you how much that job suck) . Also it didn't pay very well (Henry Carey will ask for more money almost as soon as he got into charge). 

I sorta tried to find the exact the reason has the why of his appointment, I can't pin it. The thesis would go telling us it came that the (page 47 of the pdf) tell us that it boil down that Henry was someone the queen could trust (I think it make sense considering not only his indefectible loyalty to her, but also he was experience in diplomacy and as later would later show), but like I said before I think you can add in the fact he seem to have hold the officepreviously, which only made him better.

Also a little note, but should you at the thesis at page 38 of the pdf (34 in page page number) he got a license for gun to hunt bird. So I can't help but notice that he got it shortly before being sent and if you remember he is the master of the queen hawkes, which make me imagine (in a humorous and unlikely scene) where he essentially got mad at the queen birds and shot them down, which landed him a post on the frontier no one could want.

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