jeudi 29 août 2013

First born son

First born son and Berkely Castle
What to say about George Carey? Well I won't dwell too much on details today, because I believe some episode need to be looked up more precisely in themselves than in summary (and they are many years later in our story). He is the second lord of Hunsdon, yes, however he died . Apparently for venerial disease and the "cure" against it if wikipedia is to be believe and apparently his father did the same treatement  according to Weir.) He seem to follow the footsteps of his father for the most part, but don't seem quite to shine (though he did go to college apparently at the age of 13, a much younger age than his father who got his MA in art when he was 38 ). However, if there is one thing I found rather interesting is that he apparently was a pretender to Mary Queen of Scott, but it like I said before it is for later.
Most of them give his birthdate as circa 1547 , though the dictionnary of national biography gives you more precise one and place it even further down on 26 february 1548, citing Berkeley Castle muniments. (I think the connection between Berkeley Castle and the Carey is that his sole daughter ended up marrying a Berkeley)

Allow me to disgress but trying to find the reference for that date I've actually found something rather informative and who has reference to Henry Carey.
Here a few though on some entry

721. page 213 The thomas More definitively is not the more famous Thomas More at the time since his head and his neck already had been split by that time for many years, but it seem to be guy Henry put in charge of his land in Bukchighamshire (though I really think I'm misreading the entry). What weird is that the entry is dated from 1553 and Henry still 5 years away from being Lord Hunsdon. Then again it is a catalogue, so they probably added it in in order

737. Page 219 Well add another name to plug as this seem to be Sir William Cecil apparently secretary of state  at the time of the entry of 1552, I can't find anything about a College of St. Stephen in England

739. Page 220 Like a lot of the entry I can't quite make sense of it, something about gold.

754 and 756. Page 223 His appointement to sommert house, I already knew that. The other one not sure I understand.

762. Page 226 Henry Carey fighting pirate, fuck yeah!

775. Page 228 Deed of sale, but at least this time he's buying something

780. Page 229 Hum first time I heard of John Colyn being a ward of Henry Carey and George and so far my google search to lead to squat (there a chance other record spell it diffently). Although this ain't the only person who became George Carey ward as Henry Sanford was also apparently  one too (you can find him on the DNB)

784. Page 230 Hot mortgage action!

791. Page 232 The sequel!

796. Page 233 I already knew Henry Carey was the bodyguard of queen during the spanish armada episode.

799 & 800. Page 234 Another appointement, justice of the forest sound like a super hero name.

802. Page 235 Well...I guess its nice the sister get to join the brother...

805 & 809 page 236&237 More justice business

815 Page 238 Henry seem to have more ward than Batman! (ok its not a very high number, I admit), sorta suprise I haven't of any of those people so far.

78 Page 287 Well here Henry Carey Will apparently

162 page 302 Apparently there Henry getting sue to pay some debt

35 page 332 Some letter business, though the whole intrigue of the french ambassador sound kind of cool

Wow I really got sidetrack, but at least I got more material than I though...sorry George
Hey people, I'd really some feedback if possible, I don't even know if people other than spambot are reading this

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