jeudi 7 novembre 2013


I haven't (also I have apparently 666 views, too bad that wasn't the case for halloween) I'm a  bit short of time today, so I'll have it simple. The Ridolfi plot was an attempt to get rid of the Queen Elizabeth. Henry Carey had very little relation to it overall neither in its trapping or its unravelling, but the Vatican papers does mention him, surprising it put him in the neutral faction in the event of Elizabeth death. (source entry 762). I sorta wonder what exactly make the duke of northfolk think that as well you'd think the man who is Elizabeth cousin, owning his title to her in fact and just spent the last year crushing a catholic revolt would be neutral.

Note these are speculation on my part, but I can think of several reason why he assumed so. One would be I guess simple mistake on their part, simply having no seen the closeness of the relationship between the two men outside of the snooping around made by his son. Something not entirely impossible, since he seemed to have very little personal contact with the man. It might also be that he wasn't much of a threat in the event of sucess as I doubt that him being so financially tied to Elizabeth would probably mean he couldn't raise much contestation, having no apparently no money reserve, there also the distance factor that probably help in this.

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